Gorka Kortaberria
Doctorado en Metrología Industrail en Tekniker
INNOTOOL: Development of innovative smart 4.0 tooling set for the manufacturing and assembly of the Advanced Rear End product
The INNOTOOL project deals with novel and innovative development of tooling sets for manufacturing and assembly of components corresponding to Advanced Rear End Prototype Specimen. This demonstrator aims to improve the current state of the art of materials and manufacturing processes, combining high rate production, high automation and new thermoplastic materials use. Regarding this main objective, several edge-cutting tooling sets will be designed, validated through simulation and manufactured. The development of a pressforming tool considering ALM 3D printing concepts combined with a metrology-aided intelligent assembly process are presented in this work.
Ingeniero Mecánico (Universidad de Mondragón) y Doctorado (Universidad del País Vasco) en el campo de la fotogrametría de corto alcance. Actualmente es responsable del área de I+D+i de ingeniería de precisión y metrología dimensional. Ha trabajado y gestionado proyectos de I+D+i, tanto a nivel local como internacional, para estos campos específicos de la ingeniería.