Andrea Pellegrino
GEATOP srl (Italy)
Wind Farm Jacket Fitting Automation
Being asked to reduce from 2 months to 2 weeks the lead time for the assembly of a complete Jacket for an offshore WindFarm, they came up with the answer: “Automation.” They developed a production line automatized that allows to fit in a very simple way, and in a very short time, the main structural part of the jacket and to fit up all the components. Thanks to an integration between Laser Tracker and special machine tool they were able to reduce the fitting and assembly time in 75%.
Andrea Pellegrino is metrologist and partner and Technical Director of Geatop s.r.l. With more than 15 years spent in dimensional metrology, mainly in aeronautic and nuclear field, he is expert in Laser Tracker and Spatial Analyzer and since 2015, he is Spatial Analyzer former on behalf of Hexagon Italy.