Call for papers
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METROMEET invites experts and researchers on Industrial Dimensional Metrology to share their knowledge and experiences.
METROMEET has already started the preparation of its 21st edition
Metromeet invites the professionals of Industrial Dimensional Metrology to share their knowledge and experiences in the Conference.
Participate as a speaker at Metromeet will bring you the possibility of establishing direct contact with directors and senior executives of companies related to the manufaturing and metrology industry. Metromeet will allow you to improve your business network and build relationships with potential customers, from the vantage position of being recognized as an expert in Industrial Dimensional Metrology.
Metromeet 2025 Topics
- Quality Control
- Metrology solutions for industry (automotive, aeronautics, plastics, etc.)
- Calibration and Verification
- Additive Manufacturing
- Advances of micro- and nanometrology
- Future Metrology tendencies
- Nanoindentation
- Latest developments and solutions in the area of optical non-contact measurement and 3D digitalisation systems
- Quality control for micromanufacturing and micromachining
- Advances and trends in the design of CMMs
- Recent developments in the area of metrological software
- Solutions for in-line inspection
- State of the art and challenges of multi-sensor coordinate metrology
- Uncertainty traceability and reliability of measurements with CMMs
- Accreditation, certification and general standards
Send your paper
To be part of METROMEET 2025 as a speaker please download the template, fill it in and send it back to us to:
All interested parties can send their papers by e-mail until March 31, 2025. The International Technical Committee of METROMEET will value especially those papers dealing with actual experiences and methods and innovative technology applications, with real applicability for the industry. Several types of papers may be submitted:
During a 2 hour session the offer will be an insight into technologies, tools, instruments and working methods, showing clearly and concisely the practical elements of their implementation.
Master classes that will last 50 minutes.
Will examine current topics of Industrial Metrology, issues and problem solving, quality requirements, norms, etc. The tracks will be given during parallel sessions. Presentations will last 40 minutes with 5 minutes for questions.
We are looking forward to seeing you again on the 21st edition of Metromeet,
to be held in Bilbao on October 16th, 17th 2025
Template for paper submission, that includes:
- A summary of the presentation containing the content and objective of the presentation as well as it’s relation to the topic of the conference
- Short description of your CV/BIO
- Contact information
Abstracts not presented in the official template, shall not be accepted.
The International Technical Committee of Metromeet will approve the talks related to the topics described above.
Speaker Conditions
METROMEET is much more than a Conference; we treat our speakers as our finest guests:
- Free entrance to the conference
- Free entrance to the conference banquet
- Exclusive entrance to the speaker warming up event