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    The discounts are not accumulative. If you apply more than one discount, only the biggest one will be taken into account. Please register by Fax, Mail or Internet. After receipt of your registration, we will send you a confirmation.


    Cancellations must be received by mail or fax; and are subject to a 20% free before the 1st of October 2025. No refunds will be made after October 1st.


    *”In agreement with the article 5 and concordants of effective Statutory law 15/1999, 13 of December, Protection of Personal (BOE, Character data núm. 298, into 14-12-1999), the Innovalia Association, S.A., informs to you that a file automated with personal character data exists, that it has like purpose informing about the activities of divulging, educational character, or scientist of this company, that could interest to you. The organisation in charge of this file is Asociación de Empresas Tecnológicas Innovalia, with address in c/Rodriguez Arias, no6 6o, 48008 Bilbao (Biscay, Spain), VAT G-95210910, telephone +34 94 480 51 83 and fax +34 94 480 51 84. In agreement with the law before mentioned, you can at any time exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition notifying it writing to the direction before expressed or the electronic mail 
    rsion at international level.

    * Metromeet will use the information you provide to be in touch with you and to deliver updates and marketing. Metromeet also informs you that, during the event, photos and video footage of the event and the attendees will be taken. A selection of these photos will be provided to all those interested in a picture gallery. The photos and video recordings may be published for internal purposes, but also on the Metromeet website, in print media and for external purposes. You will not receive any compensation for this. Please note that photos and video recordings can be accessed worldwide when published on the internet.