Toni Ventura-Traveset
Datapixel (Spain)
The automation of metrology, a unique opportunity towards agile manufacturing
According to Toni, "the industry benefits from the transformation that is taking place thanks to ICT (information and communication technologies). The products and solutions that metrology offers have to be interconnectable, capable of accurate intelligent processing and able to store and process quantities of information. Metrology has to offer increasingly integrated solutions in the digital factory". Toni Ventura's presentation focuses on the opportunity that exists for metrology when automation is included in manufacturing processes, key to achieving greater resilience and creating an efficient and sustainable industry.
Toni Ventura-Traveset is a Telecommunications Engineer with a specialisation in electronics from the Universitat Politècnica of Catalunya (UPC), Spain. Founder and CEO of Datapixel in 1999 in Spain, he is a member of the Executive Committee of EMVA (European Machine Vision Association) since 2003 and member of other international standards committees.