After a long wait, the Metromeet 2016 programme is already available. As you know, for this year´s Metromeet we have decided to add a special day dedicated to the automotive world. On the morning of Friday, February 26 and set in a special location, we will organize an informal gathering with the purpose to better understand the needs of the manufacturing industry. For this we have organized presentations and work sessions that will focus on metrology solutions in the area of sheet metal, plastic and engine components.

To understand the most important trends in the automotive sector the day will start with presentations from major manufacturers of ACICAE who will describe specific cases and solutions from the automotive world. The day will then end by holding a special session which will focus on the training needs in the dimensional metrology sector.

But this is only the beginning. The meeting will be located in a unique environment combining modern and traditional themes where visitors will be allowed to learn, taste and discover Spanish wines at its finest.

You have available the programme of the first two days on our website and it promises to be very enriching. Composed of two tutorials, two keynotes, five tracks and a special session dedicated to 3D printing, Metromeet aims to bring together industry experts in order to inform you about the latest technologies, progress and provide a forum to discuss about Metrology and its development in an industry that changes rapidly.

All these 3 days surrounded by a fantastic networking with professionals from the industry and representatives of international companies such as Sandvik, Renishaw, FARO, Volkswagen Group, Fraunhofer IPT, LNE or Frost & Sullivan, among others, along with representatives from different international universities as well as public and private schools.

Just click on and you can see the fantastic presentations we have organized for this edition.