Edward Morse
University of North Carolina
Edward Morse
Edward Morse is the Director of UNC Charlotte’s Center for Precision Metrology and is the Norvin Kennedy Dickerson Jr. Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering. He is the chair of ASME’s B89 committee on Dimensional Metrology and also represents the United States in ISO Technical Committee 213 on Geometric Product Specification and Verification.
The Quality Information Framework (QIF): current status and future directions
The QIF standard is gaining acceptance in industry as an effective “data carrier” between the various processes that make up the quality lifecycle. This presentation will give an overview of the current standard (ANSI QIF 3.0 / ISO 23952:2020) and will highlight its strengths in supporting quality processes. In addition, the presentation will give a preview of forthcoming updates to the standard in preparation for the release of ANSI QIF 4.0.