Oscar Lázaro
Managing Director of Innovalia Association
Using IDS framework to exchange metrological data
Dr Oscar Lázaro is the Managing Director of Innovalia Association. Dr Oscar Lázaro has more than 15 years of experience in the ICT field and is leading research and product development activities of Innovalia for Smart Cities and Factories of the Future domains. Oscar Lazaro is also Visiting Professor at the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department of the University of Strathclyde in the area of wireless & mobile communications. He is since 2013 chairman of the Digital Business Innovation (DBI) cluster and a permanent representative of Innovalia in the European Factories of the Future Research Association (EFFRA) and Future Internet (FI-PPP) Steering Boards.
Dr Oscar Lazaro has successfully led research initiatives of the highest caliber at national and European level, e.g. iTETRIS, FASyS, FITMAN, ComVantage. He has taken part in various projects advisory boards, GeoNet, SECRICOM, IMAGINE, LinkedDesign. He has received various recognitions for the excellence of his research, has more than 50 publications in internationally referred journals and conferences.
Dr Oscar Lazaro also collaborates with the European Research Council (ERC), as external expert for the evaluation of ICT proposals in the IDEAS Advanced Grants Programme, as scientific expert for ANR & FCT agencies in France and Portugal, as expert for the Eurostars SME programme and as business development assistant for the Business Innovation Office of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
Dr Oscar Lazaro is and has been involved in various road-mapping activities in the ICT for Manufacturing field in projects Road4Fame, Next Generation Computing (NGC), Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) or BigDataValueEU.