Ibon Holgado
Ibon Holgado
Researcher in The Aeronautics Advanced Manufacturing Center (CFAA). PhD student in the Department of Design and Manufacturing Engineering at the University of Zaragoza, Master in Advanced Materials Engineering at the School of Engineering of Bilbao (UPV/EHU) and background in vocational training. He specialises in the industrial applications of X-ray computed tomography. He also has experience in dimensional metrology, 3D image analysis and Machine Learning techniques for image processing. Ibon is the author of several peer-reviewed papers and conference papers.

Quality assessment of the internal structure of additively manufactured aluminum parts by means of industrial computed tomography scanning
This work endeavors to devise a robust approach to evaluate the accuracy of volumetric features of additive manufacturing internal defects by means of computed tomography. For that purpose the use of a reference object is proposed. The proposed artefact is a volumetric assembly with plates (with defects) that can be disassembled and calibrated by a traceable measuring system. All components were made of aluminum alloy, a material with wide applications in aeronautics, automotive and medical fields. In addition, further investigations were carried out on the influence of the cumulative thickness of scanned material on the internal defect CT measurement accuracy. For each defect a novel procedure for porosity inspection is provided, including volumetric information such as shape, size, distribution, and volume, along with the corresponding task-specific uncertainty estimation.