Roberto Pérez
Head of Innovation Network for GFMS
Dr. Roberto Perez
Dr. Roberto Perez is currently responsible of the Innovation Network at GF Machining Solutions and Digital Innovation Lead. He received his PhD from the University of Geneva in 1997 and a MBA from The Open University (UK) in 2011. He leads now strategic innovation programs in the direction of digitalization and sustainability for GF MS Machines and solutions.

Digital Twin applications for virtual metrology in milling manufacturing processes
Current metrology approaches in aerospace component manufacturing involve high costs due to potential quality rejects after long processing times and dedicated analysis for compliance to the application requirements. This work presents an innovative approach which simplifies the quality characterization of components as blisks and blades manufactured with high speed milling machines, by using a data driven approach and advanced modelling for predicting the dimensional quality of parts and enabling on-machine part rework or online control. The process data is also exploited for a real time evaluation of tool wear and process stability so an holistic, sustainable and cost saving approach for zero defect manufacturing can be envisioned.